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Monday, October 15, 2012

Will Nokia and Microsoft be the winners after Apple - Samsung verdict?

You have all heard the news that Apple won the patent infringement case over Samsung and the mobile world is likely going to change. The current jury award of more than $1 billion isn't going to kill Samsung, but the forthcoming possible injunctions against selling current devices is going to hurt. Microsoft's Windows Phone looks nothing at all like iOS and this might finally be the way Microsoft gains some awareness for their mobile platform. Timing is actually great for Microsoft too with Windows Phone 8 announcements coming in just a week and a half in New York.

I am a long time fan of Windows Phone and think it is an OS that people just need to try to enjoy. Everyone in my immediate family, five phones total, now uses Windows Phone and it wasn't because I forced them too. Microsoft has gained market share in the mobile space since they released Windows Phone, but it has been very slow going. Windows Phone 8 is coming soon, device manufacturers are making announcements the first week of September, and there is a LOT of excitement for this updated platform.

Nokia has gone all in with Windows Phone and is relying on the success of Microsoft's mobile platform for their own success. Microsoft and Apple have licensing agreements for certain patents and they appear to be safe from the wrath of Apple at this time. HTC has lost to Apple recently, injunction against devices like the HTC EVO 4G LTE and One X, that required software updates and being that they are rather a small player there is the danger Apple could go after them when they are done with Samsung.

I also am left wondering if Samsung, already a Windows Phone partner, will focus more on Windows Phone going forward. They make some solid Windows Phone devices and with Windows Phone 8 coming out it is an attractive option.

I completely understand that companies want to protect their intellectual property and designs, but our patent system is broken, IMHO. This case is significant and I think it will likely change the smartphone landscape, do you?

Source : zdnet

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