We have been hands-on with Black Ops 2 on the PlayStation 3 for over a day now, and just like most PS3 gamers we’ve experienced a lot of problems with Black Ops 2 freezing at certain points, which includes audio that sounds like a rap when you get freezing for a few seconds during online play. You’ll find a phrase repeating itself over and over occasionally, although this hasn’t stopped us playing the zombies mode in Black Ops 2 but of course the problems are extremely annoying.
The good news is that Activision are aware of the Black Ops 2 problems targeting PS3 users, and confirmed today in a tweet that a fix is being worked on for connection issues and freezing with the PS3 version. You can see that tweet in the image below, which has received some messages from angry gamers. Some people are telling other PS3 players not to bother using Black Ops 2 on the platform until these issues are fixed. One gamer said, “I’ve had enough of not being able to connect in Black Ops 2, and it keeps freezing“. Others are explaining how “stressed” they are and hope Black Ops 2 is fixed on the PS3 before the double XP weekend starts.

Shortly after starting up the PS3 version of Black Ops 2 yesterday we noticed patch 1.02, although nothing official had been said about what this update included but we did have a few ideas that we reported in this article. These included making online play live and other ideas like bug fixes for the launch, but that article received a lot of comments about Black Ops 2 problems and connecting in multiplayer with freezing on the PS3. One of the most common complaints is in regard to error messages asking you to try again after you can’t connect to server, which we’ve also experienced a number of times over the last 24 hours.

Black Ops 2 multiplayer freezes on PS3 – this is the problem we’ve experienced the most on our review console, although a few PR readers have had things a lot worse than us, which is thanks to their PS3 console freezing completely “every hour or two” and crashing. This meant a hard restart, and we know that’s not something we like to do under any circumstances.
Have you had any problems with COD Black Ops 2, and if so is it with the PS3 or Xbox 360 version? We might see patch 1.03 rushed out to update the PS3 system with better performance, so we’ll let you know if this happens, but for now hit the comments with any server issues and freezing that you’ve experienced. It is also worth noting we’ve seen a few glitches with people flying around in Black Ops 2 as well, so not sure if this is just us.
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Source: product-reviews.net
1 σχόλια:
The worse part if us PS3 FAT owners. The first edition PS3 owners. We can not play any level of the game, online or offline, any mode. The game plays for about 3-5 minutes and then just shuts the console off. It is predictable and repeatable 100% of the time. I have not seen any comments on the auto shut down from Activision. I would feel more sorrow for the server issues if i could at least get a game in. The retailer, Game Stop, refuses to take the game back for a refund, Activision has been quiet. It really is a major screw to us early adopters who bought the PS3 and evanlgized the product before game titles were even on board.
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