At last, we can finally say that Black Ops 2 Zombies is officially upon us. We have been providing you with early gameplay and inside information on Pack a Punch weapons and Wonder Weapons, but now we switch our attention to the main easter egg secret hidden inside the game.
Most zombie players right now will be just trying to get to the highest wave possible, learning the map and all of the weapon locations as they do so. However, for those that got the game early – there is a big easter egg to solve which will award you with the Tower of Babble achievement and as far as we’re aware – nobody has solved it yet so we don’t know what the rewards are.
To point out, this easter egg is different to the musical easter eggs which you have to find teddy bear locations to activate – details on this side quest can be seen in our previous article here. Now, the Tower of Babble quest is a different beast all together and it reunites you with Richtofen, the infamous character from the first Black Ops game.
It appears that you have to search for various items scattered around the map and to complete this easter egg, we have heard that you need all four players to complete – so it won’t work in solo mode. Furthermore, we’ve also heard that you need to select normal difficulty mode as well, as it won’t be possible when playing on easy.

We’ve gathered up the latest progress on the Tower of Babble easter egg for you here, but obviously we’re looking for your input on any further stages that you may have got to so that players can read this and work through the easter egg together. The primary objective that we can see, is that you have to search for pieces need for table parts.
There are five confirmed parts so far including the table – these have been identified as a card reader, a nav card, a radio and a meteor. The bus depot is a good place to start looking, as you should be able to locate both the nav card and the meteor at the bus depot. The other items are scattered around the map, with some items like the card reader turning up in different areas – we found it at the farm house.
Below is a video that we’ve found which should help you out with the achievement. It provides a nice format to the easter egg, but only part 1 is available for the moment – so keep an eye out for part 2 when it becomes available. The video also mentions that there may be two parts to the main easter egg – one with Richtofen and the other with Maxis.
Treyarch has clearly made this easter egg a lot more difficult than the easter eggs contained in Black Ops 1. If you consider yourself to be a zombies pro, let us know how far you have got on the Tower of Babble secret and if you can offer up any further progress for our readers. We’ll provide updated details as we get it.
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