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Monday, December 17, 2012

Here's Why You Should Not Convert Your Nexus 7 Into A Linux Tablet

We give you three main reasons why you should refrain from turning your Android Nexus tablet into an Ubuntu device.

Monday, December 17, 2012 You are a Linux lover and you have often been tempted to use Linux on your Android device. Special mention goes to the recent news of running Ubuntu Linux on your Android Jelly Bean Nexus tablet. While there is no harm in giving it a try but we give you three main reasons why you should refrain from turning your Android Nexus tablet into an Ubuntu device. 

It comes sans software updates: The wiki page states that currently, standard Ubuntu archives such as -updates and -security are not enabled for this device. The site also mentions that enabling any updates on the Ubuntu Linux OS on your Nexus 7 “may supersede a package that was customized for the Nexus 7.” But if you really want to update your Ubuntu Linux on Nexus 7, you will have to reflash your device with a new image update.

Unreliable Bluetooth: Those who have converted to Ubuntu have been reporting issues with the Bluetooth. The site states, “Even that there are still bugs in the Bluetooth stack, Bluetooth mice simply work with the built-in Bluetooth module. Simply use GNOME's Bluetooth tool by clicking on the Bluetooth indicator applet and pair the mouse as you are used to on an Ubuntu desktop/laptop PC.” So if Bluetooth is important to you, you should seriously consider making the Ubuntu switch.

No YouTube access to videos: If you are among those who are fond of watching videos on YouTube, here is another alert. Unfortunately, the Adobe Flash Player is not ported to Linux on ARM architectures, making YouTube videos not play in the default configuration, but fortunately, YouTube is beta-testing HTML-5-based video playback, which works on most modern free software web browsers without any closed-source plug-in or helper application, opening up access to the videos on any architecture if the hardware is powerful enough to play videos, the site states. However, to watch through HTML 5, you need to activate this mode in YouTube. 


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