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Monday, January 7, 2013

Black Ops 2 DLC Revolution revealed by mistake

At the end of December, we told you that rumors were surfacing on the first DLC content for Black Ops 2 being called Revolution. It has been over a week later and we still haven’t heard any official details on the pack with Treyarch and Activision both remaining silent for now. What we have heard though is further whispers of Revolution emerging, once again confirming its likely status as the first DLC to be released for the popular shooter.

As gamers should come to expect though, it is going to be available on Xbox 360 first again – the normal practice for all Call Of Duty DLC releases. Even if you buy a Season Pass on PS3, you’ll still have to wait until Xbox 360 Season Pass users have received the content first – a frustrating aspect it has to be said.

We’re a bit surprised that we still haven’t had a confirmation of Revolution yet, as it definitely is looking very likely that it will end up being official by the end of the month. We previously showed you a poster stating that Revolution would be out on Xbox Live on January 29. Now Revolution has shown up once again on the official Call of Duty mobile site, only to be removed shortly afterwards in an obvious accidental posting.

Fortunately though, screenshots were grabbed the moment Activision made the mistake, allowing you to view the official Resolution banner above, which also appears to give a slight hint of the Black Ops 2 Die Rise zombies content that will be coming along with the four new multiplayer maps as well.

Just to remind you once again, the four multiplayer maps that are thought to be included with Resolution are Downhill, Mirage, Grind and Hydro. If Resolution is confirmed to be the first DLC pack, then we still have three weeks to wait until release on Xbox 360, so Activision may wait further until just a week is left till release.

How have promotional posters sneaked out so early and perhaps more alarmingly, how has one person allegedly managed to obtain Revolution via hacking? – more on that later though. If you have been playing Black Ops 2 religiously since release, let us know if Revolution is going to be a must purchase for you or not. Are you planning to buy a Season Pass for this, or will you just pick up the packs individually?


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