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Friday, April 26, 2013

A Decade of iTunes: an Interactive Timeline by Apple

iTunes about to turn 10. Birthday wishes include downloading more songs and buying an iPhone or iPad.

Ten years ago, Apple was gearing up to release its iconic music player and database, iTunes. Now, with April 28 only days away, the company is getting ready to celebrate its second lustrum with a timeline that looks back on all the triumphs of the past years.

Apple has made it impossible to link directly to the timeline, so if you have iTunes currently installed, you can access it by clicking on this link. (It will redirect to your application.) The timeline shows the Top Ten best-selling albums as well as singles for each year. We can also see the launch dates of iTunes in various locations and languages, as well as the releases of both the iPod and the first iPhone. Despite what anyone may feel about Apple, there's no denying that it changed the music industry.


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