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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Black Ops 2 1.03 live on PS3, patch notes on way

We have been reporting the Black Ops 2 problems we’ve experienced during our review on the PS3 and also those of our readers, which has now led to patch 1.03 going live and should be available for you to download right now. Around 2 hours ago the Game Design Director at Treyarch stated that Black Ops 2 patch 1.03 had been prepped and should be rolling out soon, although within the last 30 minutes we’ve seen the update go live in the UK and US for PS3 users.

The file size is just 58MB and came shortly after the message of the day, which explained they’ve been able to quickly identify issues with Black Ops 2 after listening to gamer feedback. This means certain server problems have been fixed, and they also touched on the fact that a patch would be rolling out to correct “game-side issues“. You can see the message of the day below, although it seems a few issues have already been reported in regard to Black Ops 2 patch 1.03, but some of these might be minor teething problems.

Expect some problems to fix themselves – the latest tweets from David Vonderhaar, Treyarch, explained that some issues found after installing Black Ops 2 update 1.03 will “self correct” and this includes certain messages stating, “Game versions are incompatible“. He explained that with over one million people online grabbing the latest patch it would cause a few teething problems, so his recommendation is to “hang tight“.

It is also true that Black Ops 2 patch 1.03 won’t fix all problems, although Vonderhaar points out that there are “some good fixes” for the most common problems reported over the last couple of days. They are going to fix more issues shortly and this will mean Black Ops 2 should receive patch 1.04 in the coming week or two, but the biggest question PS3 gamers have is on the matter of freezing and crashing, which we touched on before. We are yet to hear if the majority of freezing problems are fixed for PS3 gamers, but we’ll know more when the full patch notes go live. Earlier today we mentioned that the Double XP weekend had started, although a number of our readers are still pointing to many issues after the latest patch and initially a few had a problem seeing Double XP start.

Have you installed Black Ops 2 patch 1.03 on your PS3, and if so have you noticed any changes? When the full release notes arrive for this update we will post them here, so feel free to check back soon. Let’s just hope at least the crashing/freezing stops, and the connections to friends and family improve while playing zombies and multiplayer online.

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