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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Black Ops 2 Double XP starts, PS3 issues persist

We admire those gamers that are battling it out on Black Ops 2 while experiencing constant freezing with the PS3 version, although we’ve noticed our PS3 Slim version seems to be crashing and having more problems than the Super Slim PS3, which might be pure luck considering both consoles have patch 1.02 installed. We touched on the Black Ops 2 PS3 problems a few days ago and this met over 250 comments from our readers, which the majority of these gamers confirmed the issues and also expanded on their situation with more detail.

This article also featured a tweet from Activision that confirmed they were aware of connection issues, although it didn’t really look at the larger problems like PS3′s freezing and shutting down automatically when playing Black Ops 2 online. Since this update from Activision we’ve seen numerous tweets from gamers but little feedback from those behind Black Ops 2, although earlier today we saw Activision tweet about the Black Ops 2 Double XP launch weekend and touch on people needing “patience” while they “resolve” the PS3 problems and those issues with other platforms as well. You can see a screenshot of this tweet below, which asked for gamers to be patient.

We also saw a video published within the last 24 hours that talks about getting started with Black Ops 2 Double XP, and offers a survival guide for this weekend. You can see that video here on YouTube, which runs for just over a minute, but it is worth noting that some PS3 owners are annoyed thanks to still having problems getting online with Black Ops 2. They hope that a second Double XP weekend is offered as soon as the problems are fixed.

How has your Black Ops 2 Double XP weekend been so far, has it been all fun or are you still having problems? We published details of the Black Ops 2 diamond guns and camos earlier today, so feel free to see how to unlock these in a video via our earlier article.

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