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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Assassin's Creed III Underground Maps

In addition to the regular maps (see Interactive Maps), there is an entire underground to explore in Assassin's Creed III. Here are the locations of every fast travel point found in the Underground area of New York and Boston. These are complete Underground Maps of both locations.

New York Underground

All of Assassin's Creed 3's New York Underground Fast Travel Points.

Boston Underground

All of Assassin's Creed 3's Boston Underground Fast Travel Points.

BOSTON UNDERGROUND FAST TRAVEL POINT 11/11: Just to be clear, the underground entrance that is used in Sequence 11 does not count as the 11th Fast Travel Point. After navigating all the entrances in Boston, Connor will still only have 10/11 Fast Travel Points discovered. It is most likely that the missing entrance you need is for the St. Paul's Church entrance located in the middle of the map (see screenshot below).

When you appraoch the St. Paul area of the map, you will notice a locked door that doesn't seem to have any way of being opened since there is no clear path towards it. It turns out that there IS a way to open it.

First, put down the lantern and climb the rafters above. You will notice that the rafters above the locked door have a bunch of crates and lumber AND a red dynamite keg underneath it. Jump to the opposite side and shoot the keg to blast open a new entrance from above. Now enter and open the locked door. Use the same method for the next door to unlock the path to St. Paul's Church. Solve the door-projector puzzle to unlock the FINAL Fast Travel Point in Boston! 

Source : ign

1 σχόλια:

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the maps and tips, very helpful. If anyone's looking for puzzle solutions to the doors, check out this page:

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