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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Install Windows 8

You can get it now for free and it runs on any hardware that supports Windows 7, So, if you have an unused PC sitting around, why not get some hands-on time with Microsoft's future OS?

Sure, most of the fanfare about Windows 8 has centered on its use in tablets, but the operating system is also designed for laptops and desktops. If you have an old PC knocking around, why not give the latest from Microsoft a look. After all, it's free—for now. And Windows 8 can be installed only any PC capable of running Windows 7. That means any PC with at least a 1GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, and 16GB of hard disk space (2GB RAM and 20GB storage for the 64-bit version). You'll also need DirectX 9-capable graphics hardware.
There are two main ways to install Windows 8 on an existing machine: by using the upgrade installer directly on the test PC or by creating a disc or USB key with the OS installer ISO image. If you install it directly as an upgrade, you'll get the benefit of a system check to see if and how well your computer will be able to run the new operating system.
Windows 8Remember, though, Windows 8 is still pre-release software, so we strongly advise you not to use it as your main or work computer's operating system. Such an early version brings the potential for crashes, especially when you consider the vast number of hardware combinations possible with a Windows PC.
A couple of options let you test the Windows 8 waters without losing the current OS on the test machine: You can either install it in a separate partition or in a virtual machine. The Windows 8 installer even includes multi-boot setup that will create a separate partition for you. This way, whenever you start up your machine, you can choose which OS version you want to run. For virtual machine installation, see How to run Windows 8 in VirtualBox.

In general, the installation process for Windows 8 is more streamlined and quicker than that for Windows 7, though it does share some common procedures. It took from 17 to 25 minutes to install on various PC hardware in my testing.

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